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The following men of Company I were killed in action.

They shall be remembered forever.

the exact day of death is unknown when the end figures are "00".

"44-06-00" means June 1944. - "44-06-10" means June 10, 1944

Pvt. Herman Addleson 44-06-06 Pfc. John M. Morgan 44-06-00
Pvt. William E. Baker 44-09-19 Pfc. Willam A. Nesbit 44-09-17
Sgt. Jerry A. Hoffo 44-06-10 Pfc. Emmitt T. Nix 44-06-10
Pfc. Leonard E. Bruce 45-01-03 S/Sgt. Troy W. Norris 44-12-00
Pvt. Ernest F. Bruno 44-12-27 Pvt. John C. Norton 44-06-11
Pvt. Joseph M. Burke 44-12-00 Pvt. Lesley B. Nussbaum 44-09-19
Pvt. Fred Cid 44-12-28 Cpl. Cornelius W. Owens 44-06-11
Pvt. John R. Clark 44-09-19 1st. Lt. John P. Painschab 44-06-10
Pfc. Charles E. Delong 44-11-15 Cpl. Frank J. Pilwallis 45-01-03
Pvt. James E. Dodson 44-06-00 Pvt. Jack R. Plump 44-12-00
Sgt. Everett D. Dye 44-09-18 Pvt. Benigno G. Salazar 44-12-29
Pvt. Clarence C. Eckert 45-01-10 Cpl. Jerry A.. Sevier 44-10-05
Pvt. William E. Foley 44-06-00 Pvt. Roy J. Sherrod 44-06-06
Pvt. Eugene O. Gaukel 44-06-10 S.Sgt. Julius J. Sovak 44-09-19
Pfc. Paul B. Gentle 44-09-26 Pvt. Edward R. Sowder 44-06-11
Pvt. Andrew T. Hroma 45-01-10 Cpl. Lester A. Taylor 44-09-19
Pfc. Charles W. Hugi 44-06-00 Pfc. Stanley W. Tkaczyk 44-06-10
Pvt. Gerald B. Malone 44-11-16 1st Lt. Edward G. Tyree 45-01-03
Sgt. Joseph A. Miller 44-06-10 S/Sgt. Harrold E. Waller 44-12-28
2nd Lt. Benny J Klemantovitch 44-11-16 Pfc. Claude E. Wilson 44-12-29
1st Lt. George A. Larish 44-10-06 Pvt. Lorain O.Westenhaver
